Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mike's Lunch Surprise

It was 12 p.m when my younger bro, Mike called me. That time I was on my way to fetch my youngest bro, Will from his school. He asked me what time I'd arrive home. Seemed like he's so impatient waiting for me to come home since I noticed that he kept on calling me every 15 minutes. it's time when I and Will arrived home at around 1 p.m.
Mike showed up and asked both of us to close our eyes...
He said that he made us a surprise...

TADAAA!!!! When we opened our eyes, we saw a nicely arranged dining table with 2 plates of noodles plus some fruits as the dessert.

Here is the pic that I took this afternoon:

Looks ordinary, isn't it? But for me it was so touching since my bro, Mike very seldom or almost never cooks something for us or even prepares anything like this for us.T_T
Thanks bro for your surprise...GBU :)


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