Saturday, August 14, 2010

L.O.V.E. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

Love is patient.
Literally love suffers long; it has a long fuse. When Jesus was wronged, he was patient and silent.

Love is kind.
Love is going out of our way to be full of grace toward others.

Love does not envy.
Unconditional love desires the best for others. Our main goal is for our beloved to be all God intends them to be.

Love does not boast.
The Greek here implies we do not boast like a "windbag." Jesus never showed off. His greatness is often revealed in what He suppressed, rather than what He did or said.

Love is not proud.
God's love is not arrogant. Pride is inflated selfishness. Love is genuine humility.

Love is not rude.
It is never inconsiderate or inattentive.

Love is not self-seeking.
God's love does not grasp for its own rights. This rules out selfish, conditional types of love -- the "I love you if", and the "I love you because" loves.

Love is not easily angered.
It does not become irritated. it is not touchy. Jesus was never vindictive. He never retaliated when wronged. He never grumbled or had a bad temper. (His temple-cleansing was a controlled and calculated response.)

Love keeps no record of wrongs.
God's love forgives and forgets. Jesus came to blot out our sins and remember them no more.

Love does not delight in evil but it rejoices in truth.
Love is never glad when others do wrong or wrongs happen to others. It does not delight in the weakness of others. It does not gloat or gossip.

Love always trusts, and believes all things.
God's love gives the benefit of the doubt. It is loyal, yet not gullible. It is tolerant in judging others.

Love always hopes.
It never takes failure as final. It always looks toward the future, not the past.

Love always perseveres.
It endures all. God's love can not be conquered. If we endure with Christ, we will reign with Him.

Love goes on forever.
Love is eternal. It never fails. It never loses strength. It never leaves its place. It is immovable and indefatigable.

Monday, June 21, 2010

My Hands

Sometimes you get discouraged
Because I am so small
And always leave my fingerprints
On furnitures and walls

But everyday I'm growing
I'll be grown up someday
And all those tiny handprints
Will surely fade away

So here's a tiny handprint
Just so you can recall
Exactly how my fingers looked
When I was very small

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

7 Tips For A Better CV

In today‘s job market, you want to make the most out of every job opportunity that arises. The Curriculum Vitae (CV) is the entry point to your dream job. You have one chance, so focus on getting it right.

Here are tips for making a great CV:

1. Don‘t use these words in your CV: Maybe, Perhaps, May, Might, Probably, Try, Hope.

Your employers don‘t want to read in your CV that you are going to try your best or you may be able to learn quickly or you will probably be very good in this job or I hope I will fulfill your expectations. You get the drift. You will do your best, you will learn quickly, you are very good for this job.

2. Send the CV as a PDF document, not as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

The Portable Document Format (PDF) is a format for displaying and printing documents consistently. The documents are guaranteed to look the same on any computer and the printed version is guaranteed to look exactly like on screen. The fonts you use are embedded in the PDF file, the images in the document (if any) are compressed so the file size is reduced, and you can‘t edit the PDF document. So no one can steal your CV template which you spent so much time creating. Besides, Word documents (.doc and .docx) can contain viruses and are often automatically removed from email attachments. And it just looks unprofessional to receive a Word document.

3. Do a search on yourself on Google.

While Google is almost always your friend, it has a way of never forgetting things. If your name is relatively uncommon, chances are you will appear among the first results in Google. You don‘t want your prospective employers to stumble upon your blog post where you talk negatively about your previous employers. Also you don‘t want them to see a picture of you very drunk, holding a glass of beer, wearing a sweater with your previous employer‘s logo on it, partially obscured by the cigar you are holding. And they were just reading in your CV that you are a non-smoker and you don‘t drink.

4. Have someone read over your CV.

This one sounds obvious, but many people still don‘t do it. As I said, you only have one chance, and some people are very irritated by even the most innocent spelling or grammar mistakes. Also, when you work on writing text for a long time, you turn blind for faults in your own work. It always helps to get input from others.

5. Make minor customizations to your CV for different types of employers.

If you are applying for a job, say, at a bank, you should focus your CV on your job related skills, experience and education and not much besides that. Bankers usually have no taste for CVs that discuss at length your love of Kung Fu movies or how you love children and want to help poor people. I say not much, because you should note your interests in a very short section.

On the other hand, if you are applying for a job that involves some artistic creativity, like web design, teaching, writing, you should spend more time discussing your interests and who you are as a person. Your employer might want to hear about what books you are reading right now and perhaps a little more detail on what extra-curricular activity you take part in.

I don‘t recommend totally changing your CV based on where it is going to be sent. It‘s just too much work, and thus quality will suffer. Just make subtle modifications.

6. Consider having a picture of you in the CV (professional looking only!).

This one depends on the country where you live as well as the company you apply to. Some employers would like to see a picture of you besides your name on your CV. It also helps to make your CV stick out in their minds. However, in some countries this is considered awkward.

If you do decide to include your picture, make sure it looks professional. Don‘t look like a fool. This sounds obvious, but some people still do send in pictures of them looking like a fool (sometimes deliberately, I‘ve seen it myself!). If your going to be taken seriously, look serious. Funny pictures in CV‘s are sooo 2007.

7. Don‘t try to make the prospective employer think you‘ve always wanted to work at their company.

Sometimes people like to try to convince the company that is reviewing your CV that you‘ve always wanted to work there and that that company is your number one choice. This sounds awkward if you are not applying to famous companies.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mike's Lunch Surprise

It was 12 p.m when my younger bro, Mike called me. That time I was on my way to fetch my youngest bro, Will from his school. He asked me what time I'd arrive home. Seemed like he's so impatient waiting for me to come home since I noticed that he kept on calling me every 15 minutes. it's time when I and Will arrived home at around 1 p.m.
Mike showed up and asked both of us to close our eyes...
He said that he made us a surprise...

TADAAA!!!! When we opened our eyes, we saw a nicely arranged dining table with 2 plates of noodles plus some fruits as the dessert.

Here is the pic that I took this afternoon:

Looks ordinary, isn't it? But for me it was so touching since my bro, Mike very seldom or almost never cooks something for us or even prepares anything like this for us.T_T
Thanks bro for your surprise...GBU :)

Spread The Love in 365 Days

"Spread The Love in 365 Days" is a group in facebook that was created by my younger brother, Michael.

The purpose of the blog is simply for telling us that we can share the love to others like HE does to us all the time...

To find out more about this noble activity, please link to:

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chinese New Year & Valentine's Day

So today is a very special day...
First, it's Sunday...
Then it's also a Chinese New Year...
Plus it's also a Valentine's Day...
Such a great coincidence, isn't it??

Well...just want to greet u guys:
"Happy Chinese New Year & Happy Valentine's Day"

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pet Society (Room Theme)

So, I've been playing Pet Society for almost 7 months.
And I found out that it's kinda a fun game.

Well, Pet Society will release its new items every Monday.
Lots of cool and beautiful items can be seen and bought.
Yeah of course you need money to buy them... ;)

Okay...for this time I'll post some of the Room Themes from the game..
All you need to do is to buy each wallpaper and floor at D.I.Y.
Happy gaming... :)