Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pet Society (Room Theme)

So, I've been playing Pet Society for almost 7 months.
And I found out that it's kinda a fun game.

Well, Pet Society will release its new items every Monday.
Lots of cool and beautiful items can be seen and bought.
Yeah of course you need money to buy them... ;)

Okay...for this time I'll post some of the Room Themes from the game..
All you need to do is to buy each wallpaper and floor at D.I.Y.
Happy gaming... :)

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

When Two Hearts Beat As One


We discovered Love,
gently unfolding in our hearts,
whispering of the joy to come.


Our dreams will come true,
creating memories that
we'll cherish for a lifetime.


We begin a new journey
hand in hand
eager to explore a word of promise.


We will share an everlasting love,
that could come from God alone.